Friday, October 31, 2008

(UPDATES) Rock City Blazing Guitar Challenge

Hello, to all the contestants of Blazing Guitar Challenge. There will be a briefing and soundcheck at 10am at the event venue, Sungei Wang 6th floor known also as T-Hop. Your punctuality will be to your own advantage. The backing tracks will be unveiled then so make sure you are present as the backing tracks will not be played again until the competition begin.
There will be 2 Marshall JCM amps provided so you don't have to bring your own. Due to the large number of contestants, each contestant will be given less than 10 min for soundcheck. Please come prepared. We advise that you go through the necessary list of things that you would need to setup your equipment. Eg: Extension power cords, 3 way adaptors, guitar cable, etc.
Thank you and looking forward to meeting all of you on sunday. All the best!


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