Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Monday Night Jam Report Aug 13, 07

Aug 13, 07' will definitely be one of the nights where the students of Rock City will never forget as they played their hearts out in one of the finest and most exhilarating shows ever put together. Strutting their stuff like only the most seasoned performer could, they rocked the audience and put a whole new meaning to the word Rock! The rollercoaster like show featured staple rock numbers by metallica, bon jovi to the tasteful 80's with hits like uptown girl all the way to the 90's with renowned hits like zombie and finally in the closing stages of the show, a student G3 is served featuring 3 of the hottest guitarist the establishment of rock cocoon has ever witnessed.

Rock City would like to appreciate all those that were there both in putting the show together and as partakers of this whole new generation of talented emerging musicians. More photos will be posted for this event later. Until then Rock On!